Saturday, December 29, 2012

My name is Michelle Tipton I wrote a children's self esteem book 3 years ago and now I have a had a series of WTF moments with writers block and figured best way to undo writers block is to join a FB world of blogging with the best of the best out there.. I have been through 2 divorces and am far from the perfect companion except as a best friend loyal type far from the expected shower me with gifts girlfriend type. Some think my ticker is off how quickly I move through relationships ie friendship status with no feelings... No I'm not cold at heart I believe they all hold a part in my learning process as i jump through my life raising children on my own working school and career as a writer. I love to blog and enjoy my life to the fullest.. I have experiment both sides of the fence and yet to figure out what the problem is... HEHEHE I joke too much and love harder all my exes and my friends..

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